diumenge, 27 d’abril del 2008

Dedico el dia a escoltar Eric Sardinas

Dedico el dia a escoltar Eric Sardinas (em refereixo a les hores que em queden un cop enllestides les obligacions que, degut a un malaguanyat accident, s'han complicat un xic a nivell familiar.
Però bé, no hi ha res com la migdiada dels altres per empaparme de TREAT ME RIGHT i de DEVIL'S TRAIN. Si hi ha sort encara podré gaudir de BLACK PEARLS però suposo que hauré d'activar-me abans de poder iniciar ERIC SARDINAS & BIG MOTOR, o sigui que l'hauré de deixar per la nit. Ara mateix sona Be Your Man:

Ooh, I've got to be your man
I've got to be your man
I've got to be your man
I've got to be your man


I feel your love now, baby
Lovin' on my mind
I feel your love now, baby
Lovin' on my mind...

And I need it all the time!

I've got to be your man
I've got to be your man

I've got to be your man
I've got to be your man
Let me tell ya why

'Cuz little baby girl
You love me right
Come on now, mama
Just love me right
Come on little girl
Just love me right
Come on, give me all your love

Yeah, the way you look, baby
You lookin' good

I've got to be your man
I've got to be your man

Sho 'nuff!

I've got to be your man
I've got to be your man

Let me tell ya why

'Cuz little baby girl
You love me right
Come on now, mama
Just love me right
Come on little girl
Just love me right
I just got ta be your man

dilluns, 14 d’abril del 2008

Joe Bonamassa

Avui dedico les hores lliures a escoltar intesivament Joe Bonamassa. Tinc per hores!

Well my, throat is dryand my knees are weakso darned hotcan't even speakWalk in my shadows

I can't take it anymore

When I get you in my shadow, baby

I'm gonna give you what's in store
Yes I know baby

That's a shady kind of deal

I just want to find out

How you feel

Walk in my shadow

I ain't gonna take it anymore

When I get you in the shadowI'm gonna give you what's in store
Yes I know you think I'm stupidjust wouldn't be coolI can tell you babyI aint no foolWalk in my shadowI can't take it anymoreWhen I get you in my shadowI'm gonna give you what's in store
When I get you in my shadowI'm gonna give you what's in storeYeah, I'm gonna give you what's in storeLyrics posted by Skunk

dissabte, 12 d’abril del 2008

flickrvision: Caminem on t'agradaria anar avui

Es massa axò del flickrvision! Et permet estar una estona badant veient com van pujant fotos al flick des d'arreu del mon, i de tant en tant et trobes curiositats com la de fa un minut: una foto, suposadament de Hèlsinki (Finlàndia), de la sola d'unes sabatilles esportives, amb un gran relleu que forma la frase: "Caminem. On t'agradaria anar avui?"